Best Essential Oils for Poor Circulation

by Lorena

I wanted to make the essential oil circulation mix for my special needs daughter who struggles with very cold feet and hands (they are blue at times).

The recipe says to substitute with sandalwood for blood circulation ...substitute which one of the oils?

Thank you so much for this wonderful resource!

Comments for Best Essential Oils for Poor Circulation

Jun 18, 2015

What Essential Oil to Substitute in the Recipe for Poor Circulation?

by: Kate

If you are thinking about Recipe One on the Poor Circulation page then you can substitute Sandalwood for any of the other ingredients if you don't have them all. However, I would suggest that because Black Pepper and Rosemary are very good essential oils for circulation try to use them in the recipe if you can and add the Sandalwood in place of any of the other ingredients.

Does your daughter have chilblains? Have a look at the page  and there is a section on them. It may be of help.

Essential Oils for Feet Conditions