Essential Oils to Repel Mosquitoes

by Kelly

(Crabtree, tas)

Essential Oils to Repel MosquitoesPesky mossie

What oils could you use to ward off Mosquitoes?

My son suffers terribly from mosquito bites at night and I would love an oil that I could rub on him at night.

Do you sell geranium, basil and cypress essential oils so I can make up my own blend for varicose veins?

Where in Tassie are you located and do you allow pickup to save on postage. I am in Crabtree, Huon valley.

Many thanks, Kelly

ps You have a fantastic and informative website.

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Kate's Answers
by: Kate

Hi Kelly

The best oils for mosquitoes are Peppermint and Citronella.  Add 2 drops of Peppermint and 8 drops of Citronella to a small spray bottle of water and spray the room before bedtime. And/or put neat on cottonwool buds or paper strips and hang/place near windows.  Of course you can use a burner but don't leave it going during the night or it could be dangerous if left untended. You can use a Lavender solution directly on the skin by adding 2 drops of Lavender to about a dessertspoon of carrier oil and rubbing on.

Try that and let me know how you go.

As to selling the essential oils.  I can only carry the ten best essential oils for sale online via the website as there are sooooo many essential oils available that I just can't carry them all! However, there are some suppliers listed in the Resources page which are very good.

If you would like to purchase any products from the website you can certainly pick them up from Longford if you are in the area.



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