Thyroid and Endocrine System

I do not have a thyroid and was looking for a recipe that supports the endocrine system and lymph nodes.

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Mar 21, 2015
Recipe for the Thyroid
by: Kate

Hi Laura

I have a recipe you could try.
In a ratio of 15 drops Lemongrass and 15 drops Myrrh to 30ml carrier oil mix together and apply to the base of the throat. Do this twice a day.

Let me know how you get on!

Mar 19, 2015
by: AnonymousLaura

Thank you, I would appreciate that!

Mar 19, 2015
Essential oils for the Endocrine and Thryroid
by: Kate

The best essential oils for the Endocrine and Thyroid are Clove, Myrtle and Myrrh. I will research a good recipe for you and let you know.