Using essential oils for emotions creates a space for mental balance to return, meditation to flow, or close moments with loving friends to go deeper.
Throughout history aromatic oils have been used to influence our emotions. Just think of how long incense has been used in religious services.
There are two olfactory nerves which run into the limbic system of the brain, that which is concerned with memory and motion. So scent can have a powerful effect on our memory and actions.
Some responses that we have to aroma are inherited or instinctual - we are born with them. Others we learn through experience. And that experience may involve the mood we were in at the time, the mental state, the association of the scent to its source and the intensity of the aroma.
I have listed here some of the more common emotional and mental conditions (the mind and mood) of the human body and the pure essential oils which are used in healing.
There are 5 main Anxiety Disorders:
Over two million Australians suffer from Anxiety, an emotion that can cause a person to have difficultly breathing and leave a person feeling panicked or uncertain. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America over 18% of the American population, or more than 40 million adults, suffer from some form of anxiety illness in the U.S., and it is the most common form of mental health disorder. "Facts & Statistics." Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA. ADAA, 1 Aug. 2016. Web. 08 Jan. 2017. <>. Many people suffer from more than one type of emotional anxiety disorder, often at the same time. Anxiety can often run in tandem with Depression or lead to Depression.
The answer is inconclusive and a definite, MAYBE. As the parent of a teen with complex emotions including anxiety, administering CBD oil seemed to help, if by no other means, as a placebo. No study to date clearly establishes CBD oil as an efficacious drug for treatment of anxiety. Research is ongoing and seems to on the rise.
Cannabidiol, known as CBD oil, is now heavily marketed and has become popular as a treatment for anxiety. Cannabinoid advocate website reached out to Approach Wellness to provide information about this phytocannabinoid that was discovered in 1940. According to a 2018 study, the claims of efficacy for CBD, THC, and other constituents of cannabis for treatment of anxiety are poorly evaluated and understood. Additional research is needed to improve personal decision making about the use of cannabis products. In a connectivity analysis by Boggs-Nguyen, et al, 2018, CBD decreased forward connectivity with the brain's amygdala and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). (Fusar-Poli et al, 2010). So, CBD certainly impacts brain function, and some signs are promising.
A series of studies compared the effects of 600 mg oral CBD with 10 mg oral THC in healthy volunteers. The study showed fearful faces to the volunteers to create anxiety. THC tends to increase anxiety-like emotions, while volunteers who took CBD alone seemed to experience diminishing anxiety. (Boggs-Nguyen, et al, 2018).
For more information advocating the use of CBD oil for anxiety, check out this link to
These are all calming essential oils for the emotions so use them in combination or on their own.
Add 2- 3 drops in the bath or burner. Breathe deeply and calm the mind and relax the body.
Mix together and massage over the whole chest and upper body. Do this regularly, even best after a warm shower or bath or just before bed.
A strong feeling of self assurance, a deep belief in yourself and your talents, a certainty in your self worth. These are mind-sets we all need to feel positive emotions, but don’t always have.
Confidence is a feeling or emotion to work on, to keep believing in yourself. A belief is a thought believed to be true.
Emotional balance needs to be restored through controlling negative thoughts. Anytime that you feel down and cannot reframe your thoughts, speak to a counselor or use an app such as Wysa!
Trust that you have worth, are of value, have opinions that matter and that you are needed.
The essential oils which can foster these personal emotional qualities are Basil, Jasmine and Peppermint as they are all good for boosting self confidence, a sense of vitality and self assurance.
Use them together in a blend and massage around your heart chakra or use them individually in the bath (2-3 drops) or in a burner. Breathe deeply, relax and feel a sense of worth and belief in yourself return with the emotional rebalancing.
“Depression is more than just a low mood or emotion – it’s a serious illness that has an impact on both physical and mental health. On average, one in six people - one in 5 women and one in 8 men - will experience depression at some stage in their life.” "Who Does It Affect? Men." Beyondblue - Depression. Anxiety. Beyond Blue Ltd, 2012. Web. 08 Jan. 2017.
When feelings of distress, mood changes and behavioral changes persist for long periods of time emotional quality of life can be reduced. An episode of major depression, if left untreated, can last up to 12 months. Relapse is common.
If that situation exists it is recommended to see a doctor who may refer you to people who are available to help you. But certainly try essential oils as they are remarkable in their ability to heal.
I know what it feels like to suffer from depression - it has happened to me. Thankfully I have fully recovered, but it is awful to go through it.
These are emotionally stimulating essential oils so use a combination or singly in a bath or burner. Add 2-3 drops and, like Anxiety, breathe deeply calm the mind and relax the body. Do this at least twice a day. Remember not to use a burner beside the bed!
As above
Mix all these emotionally stimulating essential oils together and massage over chest, neck and temples. Do this regularly, preferably at night just before bed. But do it often during the day too, if you can.
Grief is a part of life. However, feeling the emotions and loss is traumatic and difficult to deal with. Support networks are important to get through this stressful and highly emotional time. Going through the process of grieving involves many stages until finally “let go” is possible and we move on with our lives.
Allow yourself time to grieve and when it is time to heal, allow yourself to heal. Our loved ones don't want us to suffer more than we have to. You may never forget them but tuck them away in a special place in your heart and remember that you will smile again.
Use a mixture of some of the above oils and add 2-3 drops in a burner or add to a bath. Or add up to 30 drops into a 30ml bottle with carrier oil and massage over the heart area and around the shoulders and neck to help you mend your heart and find peace again.
Rose is the most effective of these oils for its sense of warmth and caring. However, it is very expensive.
For those of you who have a warm, loving relationship, it is special to use essential oils in a burner placed in a romantic, intimate space for just the two of you. The aromatherapy accents the emotion and mood connecting a couple.
Alternatively, you could use the oils in a massage. Ensure the room is heated and private. Give each other a massage and follow your heart. Allow your emotions full flowering...
You can use a combination of all or some of these oils to a maximum of 30 drops to 30ml in a carrier oil base. Or use 3 drops in a burner.
Life can be tough and relaxation is the way to help deal with and prevent the emotions of stress, anxiety and even depression - times of deep emotional trauma.
Practice relaxation techniques and try essential oils in the bath or burner.
It is so very important to stay relaxed during stressful times.
Go for a walk, swim in the sea, take a bath, meditate... whatever you need to do to chill out.
Add a few drops of each or a mixture of these essential oils to a burner while practising your chosen relaxation technique.
Stress is a part of life. In fact, it’s not a bad thing – in moderation. When it becomes excessive then it impacts on our health.
Stress is associated with many common ailments like GERD, IBS, stroke, cancer, HBP, heart disease, allergies, skin diseases, immune response disorders, the list goes on…
It is important to get the highly emotional state of stress under control before it starts to trigger ailments in the body.
Use some or all of these in a blend with a carrier oil (maximum 30 drops to 30mls) and massage heart centre, neck and temples. Do this regularly, at least twice a day and it's just great before bedtime.
Or use 2-3 drops in a bath or a burner. Lay back, soak up the warmth of the water and breathe deeply of the scent. Just bliss!
Massage around neck, shoulders and temples.
As above